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The Relationship Between Working Memory and Long-term Memory
Our long-term memory has potentially infinite capacity – so how can we use it to support working memory?
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Our long-term memory has potentially infinite capacity – so how can we use it to support working memory?
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A leadership case study.
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It takes bravery, but might de-pluralising priorities be the best path for leaders and teachers?
The Zeigarnik effect, cognitive closure and the ongoing nature of effective implementation
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Emma Walkley-Williams discusses implementing reading fluency in an inner city secondary school
video 1: July ’24: The importance of early reading in addressing disadvantage
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The crucial role of developing Oracy in Primary Education
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Making meaningful, lasting changes to practice in your school
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Schools are comprised of various interacting components. Understanding CAS is helpful for effective implementation in schools.
The delivery phase as part of a flexible implementation process
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What the primary concern of implementation might be.
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Podcasts -
Susie Fraser, Rebekah Hawthornthwaite & Elliot Costas-Walker
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John Rodgers, Director of Cornwall RS gives a brief intro to the new EEF guidance report on implementation in schools.
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The value of engaging and empowering colleagues whilst driving the successful implementation of a trust-wide phonics strategy.
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Recommendation 3: Plan for how the pupils will receive and use feedback.
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Guest blogger, Emily Giubertoni, author of Secondary Science in Action. (due for release soon), shares strategies which work!
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Key considerations for small schools implementing educational strategies using EEF’s implementation guidance report.
A sixth form college perspective
Building collaborative excellence in Primary education
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Our Research School website quotes an African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
A journey into practitioner enquiry at Ivy House School, a 2 – 19 special school in Derby City.
In her second blog focusing on the implementation process, Stella Jones highlights the significant role that evaluation plays
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Hannah, Helen and Kat explore the process of developing federation-wide ‘Teaching and Learning Principles’
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And what might happen if they are not. By Will Smith, Deputy Director of Somerset Research School
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Why is it that certain groups add up to be greater than the sum of their parts, while others add up to be less?
Elusive, tantalising-yet teachable (Part 1)
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David Fawcett, Assistant Headteacher at The Romsey School, reflects on using the EEF ‘A Schools Guide to Implementation’…
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