Refining Whole-class Feedback
Research School Associate and science teacher Jody Chan explores changes she has made to post-assessment/homework feedback
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by Durrington Research School
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One of the most effective methods used by teachers to model their own metacognitive thinking is very low-tech – a whiteboard and a marker. When showing students how to solve a particular problem, teachers will often model and share their thinking, whilst writing/drawing the solution on the board. As they do this they will stop and explain their thinking at each stage stage in the process, punctuating this with carefully crafted questions. When distance teaching using recorded video lessons, this can become difficult.
Science teacher Fahim Rahman has come up with a neat solution to this, combining Loom with a drawing pad. A drawing pad plugs into your computer and when you draw on it, whatever you are drawing is shown on your screen. So if you have powerpoint slides on your laptop, you can effectively write on your slides. If this is used with Loom, you can then annotate your slides as you talk through them.
Here’s Fahim talking about why he finds it so useful:
Fahim then talks through how he uses the drawing pad with his powerpoint slides:
And finally, here’s the finished product once recorded on Loom:
This is one of a series of video blogs on self-regulation:
Self-Regulation at a Distance – an Introduction – By Chris Runeckles
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Supporting Students – By Marc Rowland
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Helping Teachers to Help Students – by Shaun Allison
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Modelling Metacognition in PE – by James Crane
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Modelling Metacognition in Geography – By Ben Crockett
Research School Associate and science teacher Jody Chan explores changes she has made to post-assessment/homework feedback
A look into the role of non-maths teachers in developing students mathematical identities and perceptions
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