Feedback to Improve Learning
Led by Research School Associate – Jody Chan

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Event category: Multi-Day Training
£ 345 - per delegate
23 November, 2021
Durrington High School- The Research Centre
The Boulevard
1 March, 2022
Durrington High School- The Research Centre
The Boulevard
7 June, 2022
Durrington High School- The Research Centre
The Boulevard
This programmes will explore the research evidence around cognitive science and how this helps us to understand how pupils learn. We will then look at how this can be used to shape an evidence-informed approach to teaching.
Who is it aimed at?
Leaders in primary and secondary schools responsible for teaching and learning.
What will be covered?
What will you know/be able to do by the end of the programme?
What will be the potential impact on teachers and pupils as a result of this training?
Further reading
Applying the CogSci – examples from across the curriculum. #EdFest
Research Associate, Durrington Research School
Ben, is an Associate Senior Leader and Research School Associate at Durrington High, having joined the school in 2013. Ben has previously been Head of Geography and now line manages the Social and Moral Education and Geography Departments. As part of his wider school role Ben is responsible for ensuring the quality and consistency of homework across the school. Alongside his teaching role Ben has completed a part time Masters in Education from the University of Brighton focusing on metacognitive instruction.
Research School Associate, Durrington Research School
James is a PE teacher and Research School Associate. James has worked at Durrington High School for the last 7 years and is an Associate Senior Leader; he is also the line manager of PE and Performing Arts.
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