Research School Network: 5 Guidance Reports for the ‘Shifting Sands’ of Education During Coronavirus Utilising recommendations from evidence in evolving our next steps and practice
5 Guidance Reports for the ‘Shifting Sands’ of Education During Coronavirus
Utilising recommendations from evidence in evolving our next steps and practice
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by Unity Research School
on the
The ‘shifting sands’ of our current context is like nothing any of us have experienced in our careers to date. School, trust and local authority teams are stepping in to the ever-changing situation on a daily basis and evolving practice to provide distance learning as well as playing a very significant part in supporting welfare and wellbeing for the most vulnerable pupils.
‘There are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen’
‘Normality’ before Covid19 lockdown seems like a lifetime ago. Lenin’s quote, ‘There are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen’ sums up the seismic impact of the Coronavirus.
In such uncertain and unprecedented times, evidence stands to play a key role in establishing principles, informing decision making and guiding practice.
We want to support you by signposting valuable evidence-based resources; we aim to add capacity to the lives of busy school leaders and teachers. With this in mind, we have compiled two resources for you, for ease and speed:
- Covid-19: 5 EEF Guidance Reports and associated tools to support planning and practice (Open & Read)
- May Unity Research School digital newsletter – full of blogs, resources and links (Open & Read)
Our next digital newsletter is due in inboxes the week commencing 1st June, and will contain further signposts to navigate the ‘shifted sands’. (Sign Up)
We hope these resources are useful and welcome contact if we can support you further.
Andy Samways
Director of Unity Research School
5 – 5‑EEF-guidance-reports-and-associated-tools-to-support-planing-and-practice-LEADERS_TEACHERS-TAs.pdf
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