Research School Network: #TeamEast #easternevidence
#TeamEast #easternevidence
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by Unity Research School
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From the earliest introductions at the York Launch Event in July, the Research Schools of East Anglia have harnessed collaboration and a team approach to establishing the Research School Network in the East.
#TeamEast was born and then quickly followed by #easternevidence
As Research Schools we are determined to provide an extensive and coherent network across our region. We are keen to involve as many schools as we can in a wide variety of evidence informed activity so do get in contact with us, subscribe to our newsletters, follow us on Twitter and get involved:
- East Cambridgeshire and Fenland Research School (@ECambsFenlandRS)
- Norwich Research School at Notre Dame High School (@NorwichRS)
- Samuel Ward Trust Research School (@SWATrustResSch)
We also eagerly await a new team member as later this month we expect to be welcoming the newly appointed Ipswich Research School in to the regional network and #TeamEast.
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