Research School Network: Teacher Tapp – the app

Teacher Tapp – the app

by Unity Research School
on the

This week conversations with a number of colleagues raised the opportunity for teachers to engage in Teacher Tapp, a new, national app-based enquiry being developed by Laura McInerney (Schools Week editor), Dr Becky Allen (Education Datalab) and others. In their words …

Each day Teacher Tapp asks three questions on your phone. Answering will give us the first ever daily insight into teachers’ lives.

Answering the daily questions isn’t a big commitment – we find it takes between 7 and 15 SECONDS each day. It is designed with busy teachers in mind. Do it while wandering back to the staffroom when school finishes, or while walking to your car, or while sitting on the bus or train, or while waiting for a kettle to boil at home, or while sitting in front of the television.

In return, you will get daily insight into what other teachers are thinking. There’s also a surprise each day – including gift codes and prize draws.

Why should I sign up? What’s in it for users?

There are4 benefits for Teacher Tappers:

  • Get your voice heard: teacher opinions are too often unknown and therefore easily ignored
  • Stay up-to-date: questions reflect current news and trends so it’s a quick way to stay on top of the latest education ideas
  • Discuss questions with colleagues: they are great CPD starters
  • Minimal time & effort: it takes 10 seconds a day and makes you (and schools) smarter

Why did you build Teacher Tapp?

We want to change the face of education research by learning key things about teachers that so far no one knows, and use that information to make policymakers, school leaders and teacher trainers smarter and wiser in their work.’

So if you are interested, find out more at the Teacher Tapp website or simply download via the appropriate link below:

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