Research School Network: Implementation in context: KS2‑3 transition through the lens of disadvantaged pupils Implementation in context: KS2‑3 transition through the lens of disadvantaged pupils
Implementation in context: KS2‑3 transition through the lens of disadvantaged pupils
Implementation in context: KS2‑3 transition through the lens of disadvantaged pupils
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by Unity Research School
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In this short video, Marc Rowland utilises recommendation 2 of the new implementation guidance report to take a look at KS2‑3 transition through the lens of disadvantaged pupils.
Having started by encouraging us to consider labels, symptoms, underlying causes, Marc then draws the focus to what risks making transition difficult for disadvantaged pupils, before highlighting the importance of reading for pupils moving from primary to secondary school.
Sharples, J., Eaton, J., Boughelaf, J. (2024) A School’s Guide to Implementation, Education Endowment Foundation: London
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