Research School Network: Friday 5: Carl Hendrick’s Five Things I Wish I knew When I started Teaching
Friday 5: Carl Hendrick’s Five Things I Wish I knew When I started Teaching
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by Unity Research School
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Autumnal tones are starting to emerge as the first full week back for many pupils draws to a close.
New classes full of new pupils have by now met their new teachers.
Teachers new to classes, schools and the profession can reflect on another week when their actions, interactions and practices will have shaped learning for countless pupils.
The start of a new term is a valuable time to hold on to an open mind, especially when it comes to reflecting on one’s habits and how these translate in to expectations.
So, to a past blog from Carl Hendrick (May 2017) which I have utilised in my own practice which may be useful in supporting reflection on your practices so far this term.

Image source: Carl Hendrick blog May 2017
In the blog, ‘Five Things I Wish I knew When I started Teaching’ Carl Hendrick, Head of Learning and Research at Wellington College, utilises the thinking and evidence of sources such as Professors Coe, Muijs, Reynolds, Wiliam, Willingham as well as the influential Daisy Christodoulou and Graham Nuttall. He reflects on their research, findings and insights to draw together five essential elements to consider when it comes to classroom practice:
1. Motivation doesn’t always lead to achievement, but achievement often leads to motivation.
2. Just because they’re engaged doesn’t mean they’re learning anything.
3. Marking and feedback are not the same thing.
4. Feedback should be more work for the recipient than the donor.
5. (a) The steps needed to achieve a skill may look very different to the final skill itself.
5. (b). There is no such thing as developing a ‘general’ skill.
What to do next?
- Follow Carl Hendrick on Twitter (30 seconds)
- Decide which one resonates most with you and read the corresponding section of the blog (less than 3 mins) – then bear it in mind as you refine plans for learning in the week ahead.
- Identify one of the five as an aspect to bear in mind through your teaching next week – being intentional will increase the likelihood of you finding opportunities to reflect through the busy week.
- Use these statements as starting points for discussion with colleagues – in briefings, department meetings or conversations on duty!
- Consider what five things do you wish you’d known … from a) experience and b) evidence? Share these with an NQT/ECT and colleagues mentoring them.
Thanks to Carl Hendrick for continued thought provoking blogs and tweets.
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