Research School Network: Early Years Implementation Lead Project Early Years Implementation Lead
Early Years Implementation Lead Project
Early Years Implementation Lead
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by Unity Research School
on the
Ipswich Opportunity Area (IOA) have funded a wide range of projects during their designated time. One of these was the Securing Achievement project.
This project has provided funding for 11 Early Years Settings to have a dedicated Implementation Lead — senior staff funded for a half day a week to receive training on effective implementation and the support of Evidence Leads in Education through Unity Research School and the Ipswich Associate Research School Evidence Based Network. Training, networking and dedicated time in school to drive forward new and existing approaches were all part of a programme to ensure that previous investment through the IOA was fully embedded and lead to sustainable impacts. Implementation Leads were also able to bid for grants up to £2000 to get their projects off the ground.
All projects were focused on improving provision of early Literacy and Mathematics within individual settings. These were all routed in evidence-based research with clear links to the EEF Tool kit.
All projects were planned with reference to recommendations as outlined by the ‘Putting Evidence to Work: A Schools guide to Implementation’.
Training sessions focused on relevant linked guidance reports was provided as part of the IOA support for the professional development of the practitioners. Ongoing support sessions were also provided to help with building networks within the sector and promote this team work beyond the lifetime of the IOA.
Capturing a Sense of Early Impact:
A selection of quotes from our Early Years Implementation Leads (EYIL’s) on how the EYIL role has supported and influenced their work in practice.
Impact on Staff:
“The project has given practitioners within setting a real boost, I am confident the principles and groundwork of the EYIL role will continue and sustain even beyond future funding.”
“The project has provided a massive boost for staff.”
“We are now able to better support the children’s development, responding to their highly diverse needs.”
“I am able to evaluate the impact of CPD training and targeted interventions, to know if they are effective.”
“Weekly training sessions have helped develop my own knowledge.”
“I have found the team meetings knowledgeable, it’s been very informative to be able to exchange knowledge and ideas with other EYILs.”
“Staff confidence and knowledge has developed, children’s learning is being extended further.”
“Supported staff on how to implement maths and literacy throughout the day and role modelled practice. Showing an increase in staff’s knowledge, understanding and developing practice.”
“Being able to recognise the things that aren’t working so well in the setting and being able to be out of ratio and make changes to implement better practice.”
Impact on Provision:
“New resources have made a massive difference to our children.”
“Analysing the environment the children are surrounded by, ensuring all areas provide extensive open ended learning opportunities.”
“The activities (numeracy/literacy) engaged, challenged and extended the children’s learning. This developed stronger relationships with the children and this helped with their confidence when talking in front of a small group or to an adult. Preparing them for activities when they begin school.”
“Introducing new resources to help support the children to reach their development matter objective outcomes.”
EEF Guidance links:
Improving Mathematics in the Early Years and Key Stage 1Preparing For Literacy
Improving Key Stage 1 Literacy
Improving Key Stage 2 Literacy
Metacognition and Self RegulationSEND
Social and Emotional Learning:
Improving Behaviour in Schools
Working With Parents.
For any further information please contact:
Vanessa Bally – Ipswich Associate Research School Coordinator –
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