Research School Network: ASSET Education/NE Ipswich Network October Conference: an evidence informed springboard
ASSET Education/NE Ipswich Network October Conference: an evidence informed springboard
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by Unity Research School
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Raising standards through the promotion of evidence-led and research-based practice in our schools, a conference organised by the North East Ipswich Network and ASSET Education on 20th October 2017, Rushmere Primary School, Ipswich
This conference brought together teachers from schools in the Ipswich area to debate, discuss and reflect on their own learning as professionals. Challenge and inspiration came from expert contributions from by a wide range of speakers:
Prof John West-Burnham, Professor of Educational Leadership and Research
- Dr Rob Loe, Relational Schools
- Andy Samways, Samuel Ward Research School
- Stephen Fraser, Education Endowment Foundation
- Becky Digby, DfE Ipswich Opportunity Area Lead
- Julia Flutter, Chartered College of Teaching
- Angela Smith, West Suffolk College
- Josh Hunt, Chaplain, Felixstowe Academy
The key message running throughout the day were ‘why we do what we do’ and ‘how we can do it even better’?
The conference, brainchild of Clare Flintoff, CEO ASSET was an opportunity to reinforce that “this is ‘learning without limits’ for our teachers! The conference aims to re-capture the professionalism of teaching and enable teachers to take ownership of their own development, learning from the best research and bringing evidence based practice directly into their own classrooms. Ipswich has recently been designated as one of twelve “Opportunity Areas” across the country where social mobility is a Government priority. We will hear directly from the DfE about what that means for us and how we can be involved in the transformation of outcomes for young people in our town”
The event was a great success with involvement on the day and feedback highlighting how much had been shared, explored and reflected on when it comes to evidence informed practices.
Well done to all who collaborated so effectively to make this such a valuable day and thank you to all the team who made for such a well organised event. Here’s to future events!
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