: Seven Steps to Working Scientifically Jen Ogden explains how the seven step model can be used to support pupils to work independently in primary science.

Seven Steps to Working Scientifically

Jen Ogden explains how the seven step model can be used to support pupils to work independently in primary science.

by Town End Research School
on the

Seven Steps to Working Scientifically

Julie, a year 4 teacher, enters her classroom feeling optimistic about the lesson ahead. She tells the class that they are going to be learning about classification keys. She explains what a classification key is, shows them examples to demonstrate how they work and then asks them to create their own. Very quickly, Julie realises that her pupils are struggling. They are finding the independent work challenging and are over reliant on her support. Subsequently, her lesson loses direction and focus.

Classroom scenarios like this are common. Many students struggle to work both scientifically and independently. Recommendation 3 from the Improving Primary Science Report suggests that the seven-step model provides a useful framework to support pupils towards becoming independent scientists who can work scientifically by:

- explicitly teaching the knowledge, skills, and processes required to work scientifically

- guiding pupils to apply this in practice; and

- incorporating opportunities for discussion and reflection.

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Having read recommendation 3, Julie realises that in order for her pupils to develop independence, it needs to be explicitly taught and modelled. She then makes the decision to reteach her lesson using the model. At this point, it is important to remember that all, or just some of the steps, depending on pupil need and lesson context, can be implemented across a series of lessons or topic.

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By using the model to guide and scaffold learning, Julie was able to support her class in transitioning from dependence to independence. The approach not only enhanced outcomes but also increased pupil confidence when working scientifically and, ultimately, boosted their motivation to succeed.

To see Julie’s approach in action, check out this Clips from the Classroom video.

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