Research School Network: 13 Online Tools for Enhancing Remote Teaching Tools to support teachers to create remote learning experiences that are outlined as ​‘best bets’ in the EEF’s recommendations


13 Online Tools for Enhancing Remote Teaching

Tools to support teachers to create remote learning experiences that are outlined as ​‘best bets’ in the EEF’s recommendations

by Staffordshire Research School
on the

In December, we delivered a free remote twilight on Using Digital Technology to Improve Learning & Remote Learning’ which was well attended by colleagues from across the UK and even a few from overseas. 

The session comprised of two core components: 

  1. The EEF’s evidence, research and recommendations linked to the use digital technology for enhancing pedagogy.
  2. On-line tools that are not evidence-based, but we knew were being used effectively to create remote learning experiences that were outlined as best bets’ in those recommendations. 

Ironically, we recorded the session for it to be made freely available to all but hit a glitch when downloading it from the Zoom cloud and lost the content. At that time, little did we know that we were advancing headfirst into another lockdown and the content that we shared could support a greater number of teachers. It also feels as though the teaching community have ratcheted up their knowledge and use of digital technology another notch since, so we thought it would be good to add to our original content, create a version 2.0 and share it for free for teachers and school leaders to make use of and distribute amongst their staff.

We have previously released a blog to accompany the key messages linking to remote learning which can be read here –

The PowerPoint below contains a concise version of those key messages at the start, followed by 13 hyperlinked tools that may support teachers to effectively to create the remote learning climates and experiences that were outlined as best bets’ in those recommendations. At the very least, they may support you in making your lessons more diverse and engaging, both for the interest and engagement of yourself and your students. That part isn’t based on research, but non-the-less, still important. They include:

  • Mentimeter
  • EDpuzzle
  • Spiral
  • UXtweak
  • Quizizz
  • Nearpod
  • Padlet

Good luck. Please let us know if it helped by tweeting the examples of resources or work and tagging us in @JTStaffsRSch

Nathan Morland – Staffordshire Research School at John Taylor.
Mark Millinchip – Erasmus Darwin Academy, Burntwood, Staffordshire.

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13 Online remote teaching tools – Staffs Research School version 2.0

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