Research School Network: New guide to help education professionals to make best use of research evidence Resource warns of accepting claims without question, and introduces red flag warning system to help

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New guide to help education professionals to make best use of research evidence

Resource warns of accepting claims without question, and introduces red flag warning system to help

Using research evidence: a concise guide

EEF Guidance

A new guide, published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), aims to help school leaders, teachers, and training providers, make sense and best use of the wide range of education research available to them.

Education professionals are increasingly turning to research evidence to support the decisions they make in the classroom. It can help them make informed decisions about how to make the most of their resources. But there’s an increasing amount of education research evidence available, as well as materials and products that make claims based on research, so it can be difficult and time-consuming to make judgements about their reliability and usefulness.

To help, the guide introduces several red flag warning signs to look out for when examining a piece of research evidence. It also gives five tips on getting beneath the surface of research evidence before applying it in classrooms, early years settings, or colleges. These include integrating research evidence with professional expertise and insights, and maintaining a critical eye and not accepting claims without question.

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Using research evidence: a concise guide

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