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February Newsletter
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by Somerset Research School
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The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has launched a new suite of new evidence-based resources for the early years sector: the Early Years Toolkit and Early Years Evidence Store.
The Toolkit summarises the best available evidence on key areas for learning and development. It provides information on average impacts and costs of different strategies, alongside guidance on what to consider when putting a particular approach into practice in your setting.
The Evidence Store supports practitioners to put evidence-informed approaches into practice. It has been designed to support the Department for Education’s Stronger Practice Hubs, summarising evidence, and illustrating practices that typically make-up these teaching approaches.
The Toolkit makes it easier for settings to look at evidence that’s directly applicable to their context. This aims to support practitioners when making changes to practice in setting by offering guidance about the practical realities of introducing an approach. The Toolkit is a live resource that is updated on a regular basis as new findings from high-quality research become available.The Early Years Evidence Store examines this further by illustrating how these new approaches might be put into practice.
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February Newsletter
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By Max Harvey, Deputy Headteacher at The Blue School, Wells
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