Research School Network: About Us

About Us

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Somerset Research School

As one of the 33 Research Schools in the national network, Somerset Research School aims to get research evidence into the hands of schools and practitioners. We share what we know about putting research into practice and support schools to make better use of evidence to inform their teaching and learning. The aim, of course, is to ensure that this improves the outcomes for all children in the classroom, but especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. We help teachers and school leaders get closer to the evidence’ through communication, training and support for innovation. Somerset Research School is based at The Blue School in Wells – a large, comprehensive secondary school.

Alongside supporting schools in the West Somerset Priority Education Investment Area, we will continue to work in partnership with a well-established network of schools across the whole of Somerset and South West England to improve the quality of education for young people living in the region. As a school with a strong reputation for collaborative working practices, our teachers are excited to be focusing on communication, training and innovation to help fellow professionals improve the life chances of the young people in our care.

As Director of the Research School, Tom Colquhoun coordinates the work and extended delivery team, including a growing number of specialist Evidence Leads in Education (ELE). If your school or trust is seeking training or support around evidence-based practice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


To find out more about the support, training and events we offer, get in touch or sign up for our newsletter.

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