Research School Network: Leading Targeted Reading Interventions in Primary Schools Webinar with Louise Brooks, Primary Director of Pedagogy & Practice at SHRS


Leading Targeted Reading Interventions in Primary Schools

Webinar with Louise Brooks, Primary Director of Pedagogy & Practice at SHRS

Tickets *


* Limit 1 per person


19 March, 2025
15:45 - 16:45

Done well, targeted reading interventions can have a real impact on pupils’ reading and their ability to engage and learn. They are especially important for some of our most vulnerable groups of pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds or with special educational needs. 

The decisions made around reading interventions are crucial for these pupils and their future success. Quite simply, these pupils need these interventions to work. The aim of this webinar is to guide you in making the most of interventions, how to ensure the right pupils receive the right interventions and how to ensure the effective and impactful delivery of targeted interventions.

Ideal for Primary English Leaders, SENDCOs and those responsible for interventions.

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