Fostering Executive Function Skills in Early Years
A focus on creating challenge and promoting talk about learning
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by Pinnacle Learning Research School
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Professional Development Director and Director of Pinnacle Learning Research School
Louise is dedicated to championing the role of effective implementation planning within the sphere of school improvement, driven by a steadfast commitment to ensuring that professional development is not only progressive and collaborative, but firmly anchored in evidence-informed practices. Click here to read more.
Pinnacle Learning Research School has been working with the Oldham and Tameside Practitioner Networks to ensure that evidence-informed practice is at the heart of their Subject and Teaching and Learning discussions. We have built on last year’s work on the EEF Feedback Guidance Report to focus our training of SLEs leading these groups on the evidence from EBE’s ‘Pillars of Assessment’ to evaluate the importance of assessment design and implementation. Each subject Practitioner Network Group has tools and questions to frame their discussions around the evidence and this is supported by a programme focusing on implementation planning at senior leaders level with the Assistant Heads/principals with responsibility for teaching and learning. The aim of this cohesive and collaborative approach is to ensure that the work of middle leaders is aligned with that of teaching and learning leads and school development planning.
A focus on creating challenge and promoting talk about learning
A sixth form college perspective
Building collaborative excellence in Primary education
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