: Addressing Disadvantage in the North-West A practical conference for school leaders of all phases


Addressing Disadvantage in the North-West

A practical conference for school leaders of all phases

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Tickets *

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* Limit 1 per person


19 June, 2024
09:30 - 15:30

University of Bolton Stadium- Bolton Stadium Hotel
De Havilland Way
Bolton - lancashire

More info

We are delighted to announce this practical conference with a focus on addressing disadvantage in your context.

This conference is a collaboration between all North-West Research Schools (Alexandra Park, Blackpool, Lancashire, Manchester Communication, and Pinnacle Learning).

Research Schools are a network of schools working with the Education Endowment Foundation to support schools in putting evidence into action.


Explore the core strategies endorsed by the EEF’s tiered approach

With sessions focusing on developing high-quality teaching, literacy, teacher professional development, targeted academic support and interventions, and wider strategies such as attendance and behaviour, you will find a wide variety of sessions to meet your school’s context.

In-depth sessions

Explore evidence-backed strategies through interactive workshops, keynote speakers, and discussions.

Learn collaboratively

Network with like-minded local professionals, exchanging ideas and evidence-informed​‘best bets’ that have worked in schools like yours.

Practical insights

Actionable takeaways from credible sources to implement in your classrooms and schools.

Relevant to all

With sessions focused on the Early Years, Primary, and Secondary phases, you will be able to attend a full day of session which is relevant to you.

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