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The Relationship Between Working Memory and Long-term Memory
Our long-term memory has potentially infinite capacity – so how can we use it to support working memory?
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Our long-term memory has potentially infinite capacity – so how can we use it to support working memory?
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A leadership case study.
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It takes bravery, but might de-pluralising priorities be the best path for leaders and teachers?
The Zeigarnik effect, cognitive closure and the ongoing nature of effective implementation
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Emma Walkley-Williams discusses implementing reading fluency in an inner city secondary school
video 1: July ’24: The importance of early reading in addressing disadvantage
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The crucial role of developing Oracy in Primary Education
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Making meaningful, lasting changes to practice in your school
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Schools are comprised of various interacting components. Understanding CAS is helpful for effective implementation in schools.
The delivery phase as part of a flexible implementation process
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What the primary concern of implementation might be.
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Susie Fraser, Rebekah Hawthornthwaite & Elliot Costas-Walker
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John Rodgers, Director of Cornwall RS gives a brief intro to the new EEF guidance report on implementation in schools.
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The value of engaging and empowering colleagues whilst driving the successful implementation of a trust-wide phonics strategy.
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Recommendation 3: Plan for how the pupils will receive and use feedback.
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Guest blogger, Emily Giubertoni, author of Secondary Science in Action. (due for release soon), shares strategies which work!
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Key considerations for small schools implementing educational strategies using EEF’s implementation guidance report.
A sixth form college perspective
Building collaborative excellence in Primary education
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Our Research School website quotes an African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
A journey into practitioner enquiry at Ivy House School, a 2 – 19 special school in Derby City.
In her second blog focusing on the implementation process, Stella Jones highlights the significant role that evaluation plays
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Hannah, Helen and Kat explore the process of developing federation-wide ‘Teaching and Learning Principles’
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And what might happen if they are not. By Will Smith, Deputy Director of Somerset Research School
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Why is it that certain groups add up to be greater than the sum of their parts, while others add up to be less?
Elusive, tantalising-yet teachable (Part 1)
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David Fawcett, Assistant Headteacher at The Romsey School, reflects on using the EEF ‘A Schools Guide to Implementation’…
In this blog post, we look at some interventions which can help pupils who are struggling with maths.
Developing the guidance, and bringing it to life for implementation in the classroom.
The Research Schools Network aims to put the use of research evidence into the hands of schools and practitioners.
We are now seeking a school to become a Research School to support the Ipswich Opportunity Area
Eleven schools to support social mobility ‘coldspots’
The announcement doubles the size of the Research Schools Network
Six schools will break down barriers between teachers and academics in a bid to boost the quality of teaching
Research on sleep times for children
To improve the attainment of pupils by increasing the use of evidence-based teaching and learning practices
Supporting other schools and teachers through the delivery of training
Grants are available to schools that are working closely with the Research Schools Network
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