Research School Network: Improving the Craft of Writing in Years 3 and 4 A 9‑week fully funded writing trial


Improving the Craft of Writing in Years 3 and 4

A 9‑week fully funded writing trial

Tickets *

* Limit 1 per person


16 January, 2025
10:00 - 15:00

11 March, 2025
13:00 - 15:00

1 April, 2025
13:00 - 15:00

24 April, 2025
13:00 - 15:00

An evidence-informed approach to a process approach to writing. This includes an adapted approach to self-regulated strategy development (SRSD).

The aim of the programme is:

To provide a process approach to writing so children can plan, edit, evaluate and revise their writing.

To encourage the use of SRSD which develops pupils’ metacognition and self-regulation – an approach which can benefit all pupils but particularly our most disadvantaged writers.

What will the programme involve?

We are looking for 12 Lincolnshire or Education Investment Area settings/​schools to deliver the programme and provide feedback for future development. 

All enrolled settings/​schools will receive a £2,000payment for their participation in research.

The programme is taking place from February to May and requires schools to:

•Teach the approach as whole class practice a minimum of four times a week across three units of work (up to eight/​nine weeks) – planning for the first unit will be provided.

•Employ self-regulated strategies to promote self- and peer-assessment of texts.

•Use the supplied resources to support pupil planning and the evaluation of texts.

•Teach sentence level work using the resources supplied.

•Create editing teams to use cooperative learning to support all pupils.

•During delivery, participating teachers/​practitioners and senior leaders will be required to take part in a small number of feedback activities (e.g. surveys) to help us understand your experiences of implementing the programme.

•The literacy lead will attend the training with the Y3/Y4 teachers.

•There will be a weekly instructional coaching element conducted by the Literacy Lead.

•A full privacy notice and other relevant data protection information will be made available for you to review prior to signing a memorandum of understanding. 

To express your interest click on the link.

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