Research School Network: An Introduction to Evidence-Informed School Improvement A FREE online course from the South West’s Research School Network: HISP, Kingsbridge and West Somerset Research School
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An Introduction to Evidence-Informed School Improvement
A FREE online course from the South West’s Research School Network: HISP, Kingsbridge and West Somerset Research School
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Event category: Modules
Tickets *
25 January, 2023
20 February, 2023
20 March, 2023
19 April, 2023
15 May, 2023
14 June, 2023
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Our Research School Network programmes usually span multiple days, involve rigorous analysis of current practice and an extended implementation process. This year, for the first time, we have decided to offer a lighter touch online course for those who are either new to the EEF or just wish to build their personal knowledge of using evidence without necessarily committing to a major aspect of school improvement. The course is aimed at middle and senior leaders who are relatively new to the EEF and teachers who want to develop their knowledge of school improvement.
The programme will be delivered through six 1.5‑hour modules facilitated live by our South West Research School team.
The Modules:
Module 1 (Weds 25th Jan 15:30 – 17:00): Evidence-informed decisions to enhance the quality of teaching
Module 2 (Mon 20th Feb 15:30 – 17:00): Using diagnostic assessment to monitor pupils’ learning
Module 3 (Mon 20th March 15:30 – 17:00): High-quality teaching: some ‘best bets’.
Module 4 (Weds 19th April 15:30 – 17:00): Using evidence to choose interventions & targeted approaches.
Module 5 (Mon 15th May 15:30 – 17:00): How evidence can inform our ‘wider strategies’
Module 6 (Weds 14th June 15:30 – 17:00): taking an evidence-informed approach to implementation.