Research School Network: What should we consider when selecting texts for explicit fluency instruction? Developing the CLAWS framework for text selection

What should we consider when selecting texts for explicit fluency instruction?

Developing the CLAWS framework for text selection

by Great Heights Research School: West Yorkshire
on the

Selecting the right texts for explicit fluency instruction is absolutely crucial but how can we get it just right’? Like Goldilocks we have learnt from trial and error; some texts were too hard, some were too easy, some did very little to fuel the enthusiasm and motivation to engage in repeated reading and some texts provided the necessary rigor, awe and wonder that the explicit teaching of reading fluency requires. As we became more confident in decision making around text choice, we wanted to make this process more systematic so that every teacher has a set of shared criteria to support decision making.

Our internal wrangling has now been codified into the the CLAWS framework. As we review our text choices and consider new additions, we return to this framework to support our decision making process. The framework allows us to zoom in on features of a single text whilst also zooming out to consider how it fits as part of a horizontal and vertical curriculum. This is helping us to develop a shared understanding of the rationale that underpins every aspect of the reading journey whilst also providing a scaffold for lively dialogue around our text choices reigniting our teachers as readers.

The CLAWS Framework:

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You can find a PDF of the CLAWS framework below; we look forward to hearing about how other colleagues might utilise this framework. 

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CLAWS Framework for Fluency Text Selection

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