The Leadership Equation
Finding a formula to manage complex change
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by Great Heights Research School: West Yorkshire
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At the beginning of the month, Ofsted published their report ‘Telling the story: the English education subject report’. In this report, they evaluate the common strengths and weaknesses of English that they have seen in schools across the country. They recommend ways for school and subject leaders to further improve their English curriculum. The report builds on the English research review, published in 2022 and includes findings from primary schools and secondary schools, including evidence from Reception classes and sixth forms.
There is a wealth of evidence and supporting resources that schools can utilise to support with the development of provision. Outlined below are some of the key recommendations put forward by Ofsted with signposting to useful resources.
The report produced by Ofsted can be found here:
Telling the story: the English education subject report – GOV.UK (
‘make sure that the national curriculum requirements for spoken language are translated into practice, so that pupils learn how to become competent speakers. This should include opportunities to teach the conventions of spoken language, for example how to present, to debate and to explain their thinking’
Oral language interventions | EEF (
Executive Summary-Oracy APPG final report.pdf
The-Oracy-Framework-2021.pdf (
Ep 16: High quality talk | Evidence into Action (
‘plan a reading curriculum that over time builds pupils’ reading fluency, linguistic knowledge and knowledge of the world, and that does not limit them to responding to exam-style questions’
Reading_trends_2023.pdf (
EEF-KS2-lit-Reading-comprehension-house.pdf (
Rethinking how to promote reading comprehension EJ1322088.pdf (
Ep 4: Exploring the complexities of reading comprehension | Evidence into Action (
‘help those pupils who enter key stages 2 or 3 unable to read fluently to catch up quickly. This includes making sure that teaching addresses specific gaps in pupils’ phonics knowledge or provides additional practice for pupils who have accurate knowledge, but still read too slowly to absorb information effectively’
Reading_Fluency_Glossary_1.0.pdf (
Reading-Fluency_Misconceptions‑1.0.pdf (
Reading_Fluency_Resource_1.0.pdf (
KS2-Lit-Readers-theatre.pdf (
EEF blog: Shining a spotlight on reading fluency | EEF (
Contact to discuss our Fixing Fluency approach
In addition, the Literacy Guidance Reports for all Key Stages are a vital resource to consider the strengths and areas for development within your own provision.
EYFS: Preparing_Literacy_Guidance_2018.pdf (
KS1: Literacy_KS1_Guidance_Report_2020.pdf (
KS2: EEF-Improving-literacy-in-key-stage-2-report-Second-edition.pdf (
Finding a formula to manage complex change
A Yorkshire and Humber Research School Blog Series
Monitoring a range of implementation outcomes to support effective implementation
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