Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants
How to best use this critical classroom asset

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Event category: 1 Day Training
£ 25
11 June, 2024
Rowanfield Junior School
Alstone Lane
- gloucestershire
Audience: All Headteachers and leaders
This training session will walk you through the updated EEF Implementation Guidance Report, discussing the key changes and the evidence behind these updates as well as time to look at how this guide can support you to shape your school development plan for next year.
Aims of the training:
Please note: The course fee is £25 per person and you will need your schools full address, invoice contact name and email address and PO number (if applicable) when you register for our event. Invoicing will take place after the event.
There’s only 20 places available on this training course, so be quick so you don’t miss out.
Register your attendance above by Thursday 23rd May 2024.
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