: Lessons learnt from Early Years on how to engage parents with their children’s learning Watch our pre-recorded webinar

Lessons learnt from Early Years on how to engage parents with their children’s learning

Watch our pre-recorded webinar

Click here to watch our pre-recorded webinar focusing on sharing how we have implemented the recommendations in the Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning’ Guidance Report.

The webinar reflects on the lessons learnt from our Early Years practice on how to engage parents with their children’s learning. Then considers how we have taken this effective practice and rolled it out across the school with disadvantaged learners in mind.

Aims of the webinar:

• Look at the EEF evidence base and guidance report recommendations for working with parents to support children’s learning

• Find out how our EY team have developed the way we work with parents to support their children’s learning and how this practice has been rolled out across our school

• Consider what we have done to support parents who find it difficult to engage with their children’s learning

• Give you a chance to reflect on your own school practice and possible next steps to develop parental support further

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