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Leadership in the early years: using evidence-based tools to support quality improvement
Fliss James and Siobhan Campbell talk about how use of evaluation tools such as ITERS‑3 can support effective implementation.
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Fliss James and Siobhan Campbell talk about how use of evaluation tools such as ITERS‑3 can support effective implementation.
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Our Research School website quotes an African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
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Supporting children to become better communicators is one of the most powerful things we do as early years educators.
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Polly Crowther and Megan Pretious explore how graphic organisers can be used as a tool for mastering historical concepts.
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Siobhan Campbell reflects on what she would do differently as a school leader when working to engage all parents.
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Polly Crowther looks at the strategies expert readers rely on to be successful
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Professor Herb Ginsburg explores the research behind using picture books to promote high-quality learning in EYFS maths
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Allison Carvalho discusses the use of concrete and visual resources in mathematics by older learners in key stages 2 and 3
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