Refining Whole-class Feedback
Research School Associate and science teacher Jody Chan explores changes she has made to post-assessment/homework feedback
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by Durrington Research School
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The videos that we have shared so far have focused on how teachers can model their own metacognitive processes, to help their students become better self-regulated learners. The brilliant maths team at Durrington have produced a series of short videos for students. These videos show students how to work with Hegarty Maths to help them develop as self-regulated learners. There are six short videos:
1. Being a self-regulated learner – this video explains to students what a self-regulated learner is and isn’t and why it is so important.
2. Setting up for a maths lesson – this video shows students how to get organised for a distance maths lesson, so they everything to hand to support their learning.
3. Planning – this video talks students through how to prepare themselves for a quiz, by making sure they have a good set of notes to work through.
4. Monitoring – this video helps students to understand how they can monitor their progress as they are working through an exercise and what to do if they get stuck.
5. Evaluation – this video shows students how to evaluate how well they have done and what to do in order to fill any gaps in their knowledge.
6. What else can you do? – the final video shows students what to do if they have finished their exercise.
Here are the videos:
This is one of a series of video blogs on self-regulation:
Self-Regulation at a Distance – an Introduction – by Chris Runeckles
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Supporting Students – by Marc Rowland
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Helping Teachers to Help Students – by Shaun Allison
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Modelling Metacognition in PE – by James Crane
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Modelling Metacognition in Geography – by Ben Crockett
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Modelling Metacognition in Science – by Fahim Rahman
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Modelling Metacognition in English – by Andy Tharby
Self-Regulation at a Distance – Modelling Metacognition in History – by Chris Runeckles
Research School Associate and science teacher Jody Chan explores changes she has made to post-assessment/homework feedback
A look into the role of non-maths teachers in developing students mathematical identities and perceptions
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