Research School Network: Evidence Leads in Education ELEs Find out more about the role of ELEs and how to get involved

Evidence Leads in Education ELEs

Find out more about the role of ELEs and how to get involved

Evidence Leads in Education ELEs

Derby Research Team’s Purpose

Welcome to The Derby Research School

As part of Derby research School Team we:

Inspire engagement, by making visible what works’ and make it accessible to all practitioners
Grow capacity, through encouraging leaders and teachers at all levels to be responsible for evidence-based practice in their classroom, with support from our core practitioner team
Identify local champions, who will model and innovate in their schools and their clusters
Build partnerships, harnessing our existing networks and developing new ones across the East Midlands region
Plan for sustainability, we will create an effective team approach, where ownership and participation levels are high and sustainability is inherent
Be ambitious for children, we will develop and deliver our vision of transforming the lives of the children we serve

Definition of an ELE

Evidence Leads in Education are a Research School designation and as such receive training and updates from the Research School Network and Education Endowment Foundation and in turn be deployed to support schools through training and coaching.

Their purpose is to: – support individual and groups of schools through the provision of expertise- around implementation, evidence- and practitioner and local knowledge- bring, and demonstrably show, a diversity of experiences which add credibility and depth when communicating about evidence.

The role of an ELE

ELEs can provide support for schools beyond their own. Typically, this is based around a general understanding of evidence and evidence-informed school improvement, with specific areas of deep specialist knowledge. They do this through:- Communicating with schools about evidence in a particular area, to an audience from teachers, middle leaders to senior leaders.- Delivering specific training (around subject or topic)- Providing follow-on support to enable schools to structure and plan change in particular areas

Types of ELE Deployment

Attributes of a successful ELE

The list of ELE attributes below is ambitious because we want to recruit and deploy ELEs with a range of experiences and contexts; we recognise that not every ELE will be at the same starting point so the ELE induction programme has been designed to support and develop ELEs in their first couple of years in the role. The induction will be delivered online. There will be opportunities to work alongside more experienced ELEs as well as core Research School staff.

Attributes of an ELE

Key ELE Documents

Our most popular and informative ELE documents

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Expectations of ELEs

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ELE Person Specification and Criteria

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ELE Application Forms

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If you have any questions on the role of ELEs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are looking forward to working with our partner schools in supporting schools across our region.

A My

Amy Ford

Deputy Director Derby Research School


Read more aboutAmy Ford

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