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The crucial role of developing Oracy in Primary Education
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by Derby Research School
on the
Today, we’ve published a new guide to support school leaders to implement tutoring effectively in their setting.
High-quality tuition presents a significant opportunity to make a long-term contribution to closing the socio-economic attainment gap in classrooms across the country. The best evidence tells us that this gap has only widened as a result of the pandemic.
Our Teaching and Learning Toolkit shows that if tuition is high-quality and aligned to classroom teaching, pupils can make up to five months additional progress. It can be particularly effective for socio-economically disadvantaged pupils too.
Schools have gone above and beyond to implement tuition successfully against the backdrop of disruption to staffing, budget constraints, logistics planning and pupil attendance. Our guide, which is based on the best available evidence, offers educators practical advice to support these efforts and make tutoring have a positive impact in their setting.
It focuses on three central principles:
1. Selecting pupils and scheduling sessions effectively.
How to identity those pupils who will benefit the most, as well as how frequent sessions should be and when they should take place.
2. Aligning tutoring with curriculum and assessment.
How to align tutoring with a pupils’ current curriculum, so that they can reinforce learning from tuition sessions in their classroom practice.
3. Creating a sustainable tutoring model.
How to monitor and evaluate the impact of tutoring so schools can track progress and refine their approach over time.
The guide also includes insights from school leaders about how tutoring has been put in place in their settings.
The challenge of the closing the socio-economic attainment gap means there is an urgent need to make sure that as many disadvantaged pupils as possible have access to tutoring through the National Tutoring Programme. We would like to see the government increase the current subsidy levels to 75 per cent, which would allow more schools to access tutoring for more of their socio-economically disadvantaged pupils.
Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Foundation
Professor Becky Francis, Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Foundation, said:
“The research is clear – done well, and aligned to high quality teaching, tutoring can be hugely successful in accelerating progress for struggling learners. It is also one of the best evidenced interventions we have to support socio-economically disadvantaged pupils’ attainment.
“Many schools have taken advantage of the additional tuition on offer through the government’s National Tutoring Programme. This has not been without its challenges, and schools have gone above and beyond to implement the programme successfully. But what does evidence signal can be done to maximise the impact of tutoring on pupils’ attainment?
“This resource offers practical advice around the core components of effective tutoring, giving teachers and school leaders the key insights that can help to make sure tutoring is a success in their school community.”
The crucial role of developing Oracy in Primary Education
A journey into practitioner enquiry at Ivy House School, a 2 – 19 special school in Derby City.
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The crucial role of developing Oracy in Primary Education
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