Research School Network: Fancy writing your own blog? Calling all evidence champions!

Fancy writing your own blog? Calling all evidence champions!

Schools are invited to write a blog entry about their growing engagement with evidence-based practice. They are often our most popular blogs where schools are inspired by each other’s journeys and can follow suggested links and recommendations to continue their own reading.

Here are some examples we have already featured on our website and newsletter

Tammie McNamara, St Albans

Exploring Comparative Judgement for Writing

Jon Fordham, Allenton

Implications of Evidence Informed Practice on the School Community

It features in the monthly newsletter also

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If you are interested, here are some ideas about what you could include…

– Introduce yourself – who are you? What are your passions in teaching?

– What motivated you and your school to start your own journey with research engagement and evidence-informed practice?

– What was or is the scope of your inquiry project? What were or are you hoping to achieve?

– How are you finding the process so far? What are you learning?

– Or if you have completed it, what was your new learning? What did you results show? Did you have new questions you were asking?

The blogs are not long or fancy, just honest accounts of where schools are at and what they are doing. We want to feature as many schools as possible to share their journey with other schools, to help improve communication about what we are doing and inspire each other.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

We would love to get you involved in the journey!

Contact us: tammy.​elward.​derby@​researchschool.​org.​uk

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