Research School Network: EFF: New Funding Round Open – SEND and Social and Emotional Learning Focus

EFF: New Funding Round Open – SEND and Social and Emotional Learning Focus

The EEF’s funding tests the impact of high-potential projects aiming to raise the attainment of 3 – 18 year-olds, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.They do this to find out what’s most likely to work effectively and cost-effectively, and to put that into action across the country.

New Round is now Open!

The EEF is seeking proposals for projects which improve attainment and other educational outcomes, such as social and emotional learning, for children with special educational needs or disability (SEND).

Pupils with SEND might face significantly greater challenges in learning than the majority of their peers, or have a disability which hinders their access to the teaching and facilities typically found in mainstream educational settings. There is a very large attainment gap between pupils with SEND and their peers.

Improving outcomes for pupils with SEND (from 17 October 2018). To apply, click here.

Successful proposals will:

  • Be informed and supported by evidence of impact on learning outcomes. We are primarily interested in academic attainment, but would consider programmes with evidence of impact on other educational outcomes, including social and emotional learning. A useful typology of non-attainment outcomes can be found here. We would like applicants to outline how their proposal builds on rigorous research, and previous evaluation of their approach. We strongly encourage applicants to consult reviews of the wider evidence base in preparing their applications (see further reading, below). We are most interested in applications that have some previous evidence of promise, and are ready to be rigorously evaluated. However, in this space particularly, we are also open to early stage ideas that would benefit from piloting and development (including ideas from other countries), if they are innovative; shown to be feasible; and are underpinned by strong, evidence-based theory.
  • Be practical, cost-effective and scalable. Our aim is to identify approaches that, if shown to be successful, could be taken on by schools and educational settings across England. Therefore we are only interested in developing and testing initiatives that are practical and cost-effective to deliver.
  • Be willing and able to be independently evaluated. We will appoint an independent evaluator, and work with successful applicants to design an appropriate evaluation plan. Note that the evaluation design and delivery does not need to be included in your project plan and budget.
  • Be clear how they will support children with SEND. Note: applicants do not need to have identified specific settings, families, or areas to work in; this would be agreed with an independent evaluator if the bid was successful. Applicants do not need to work exclusively with pupils with SEND, but there should be a clear rationale for how their work will benefit these pupils.
  • Aim to work with pupils between the ages of 3 and 18. For projects working with 16 – 18 year olds, we can only fund activity focused on students without English or Maths GCSE at 4 or above

Improving outcomes for pupils with SEND (from 17 October 2018). To apply, click here.

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