Research School Network: Evidence Leaders in Education: Recruitment Round We are hosting our first open recruitment round for ELEs. It’s an exciting opportunity for outstanding practitioners passionate about evidence informed practice and improving teaching and learning to become part of the Derby Research School.


Evidence Leaders in Education: Recruitment Round

We are hosting our first open recruitment round for ELEs. It’s an exciting opportunity for outstanding practitioners passionate about evidence informed practice and improving teaching and learning to become part of the Derby Research School.

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* Limit 1 per person


11 January, 2021
09:00 - 12:00

EEF school implementation GR p17 2020 11 26 074415

What are ELEs?

Evidence Leads in Education are a Research School designation and as such receive training and updates from the Research School Network and Education Endowment Foundation and in turn be deployed to support schools through training and coaching. Their purpose is to:

- support individual and groups of schools through the provision of expertise- around implementation, evidence- and practitioner- & local knowledge

- bring, and demonstrably show, a diversity of experiences which add credibility and depth when communicating about evidence.

What is the role of an ELE?

ELEs can provide support for schools beyond their own. Typically, this is based around a general understanding of evidence and evidence-informed school improvement, with specific areas of deep specialist knowledge. They do this through:

- Communicating with schools about evidence in a particular area, to an audience from teachers, middle leaders to senior leaders.

- Delivery of specific training (around subject or topic)

- Providing follow-on support to enable schools to structure and plan change in particular areas

Are you considering applying to become an ELE?

We are recruiting for ELEs to work for the Derby Research and application rounds will be starting in December 2020.

Key Dates

1st December – Recruitment Round Opens
11th January Midday – Recruitment Round Closes
21st/​22nd January – Anticipated Interview Days for Successful Applicants

Those designated in the round will attend training on the following dates: 1st February (1pm-3pm); 1st March (1pm-3pm); 15th March; 29th March
Follow up training with the EEF will be offered along ongoing network meetings and chances to continue to grow and learn through the network. 

If you are interested, please find below further information on the left:
- skills and knowledge an ELE requires
- a reflection tool around the focus skills and knowledge
- FAQs for potential ELEs and School Leaders

How do I apply?

- Please find here our application form located on the left. A supporting statement from a school’s headteacher is also required.
- The word document must be submitted via the electronic submission form – an electronic receipt of submission will be sent.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are looking forward to working with our partner schools in supporting schools across our region.

Tammy Elward
Director of the Derby Research School
Email: tammyelward@​satrust.​com
Phone: 07788608 550

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DRS-ELE-Application-Form-2020 – 2021.docx

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