Research School Network: When do practicals work well in science? A Schools Week Article

When do practicals work well in science? A Schools Week Article

by Blackpool Research School
on the

Our Deputy Director of Blackpool Research School has just had an article posted on Schools Week: When do practicals work well in science?

Below is a snippet of the article which you can read in full by following the link at the end.

Do pupils learn more science when they’re taught in classrooms – with the teacher explaining concepts – or in labs, through pupil experimentation? Phil Naylor takes a look at what the research says, and shares some tips for effective science teaching

Are we doing a practical, sir?” screams the excited year 9 down the corridor, as they realise that we’ve had a room change. Love practicals, sir!”

While this is a familiar scenario for many science teachers, there is a running debate in the profession as to the value of practical work. When I began teaching in 1950s and 60s buildings, the science departments were often kitted out with enough labs for every teacher, and most lessons contained an element of practical.

With the advent of modular exams and Building Schools for the Future, we saw a reduction in the number of labs, and science lessons taught in classrooms are on the increase.

But what does the evidence say?

Find out by visiting the Schools Week post here:

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