Research School Network: Training courses for 2019 – 20 at Blackpool Research School Using evidence to inform school improvement

Training courses for 2019 – 20 at Blackpool Research School

Using evidence to inform school improvement

by Blackpool Research School
on the

Our initial training courses for next year are based around common themes that have come up through discussions with teachers and leaders from across our local area. Our courses are priced at £295 for 3‑day courses, and £195 for 2‑day courses, which we believe represents excellent value for money when compared with other providers. There are often special offers available for multiple teachers attending from the same school.

All of our training is based upon the evidence-informed principle that CPD is more effective when delivered across multiple sessions spread across a minimum of two terms. This model has been shown to be far more likely to lead to long term change than the one-off’ events that many training providers offer. We use the EEF Implementation guidance report in all of our training to give delegates the best possible chance of implementing the ideas within their own school context.

All training is supported by the Research Schools network and endorsed by the Education Endowment Foundation.

Our initial training programmes for next year (with links to booking) are listed below:

Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

Developing metacognitive skills in pupils’ has been shown to have a significant impact on attainment outcomes. The EEF guidance report on metacognition looks at a number of recommendations for developing this in pupils, which we will explore during this best-selling 3‑day programme.

Full details and booking here:‑1

Improving Mathematics in Key Stages 2 and 3

Now in its third year, this ever-popular training programme considers the eight recommendations from the EEF guidance report of the same name. We will look at various aspects of successful mathematics teaching: using manipulatives and representations; teacher modelling; problem solving; worked examples; multiple-choice questions, and much more. We will also use an audit tool to assess our current practice, and consider how we might implement change in our classrooms.

Full details and booking here:

Evidence-Informed Curriculum, Teaching, and Assessment (2 days)

Curriculum, teaching and assessment should be a key focus for all school leaders, and have been in the spotlight recently due to changes in the school inspection framework. When all three are aligned and of the highest quality, they should facilitate effective learning for all students, irrespective of their starting points or backgrounds.

This training programme will explore how school leaders can achieve this alignment, using the best available research.

Full details and booking here:

Narrowing the Gap: Making Effective Use of the Pupil Premium

How can we best use data to define challenges and drive decisions about how to spend the Pupil Premium? How can we use evidence effectively to tackle defined challenges? What does evidence tell us about delivering and sustaining quality first teaching? How can we best gather evidence about the effectiveness of Pupil Premium provision in our own, and other schools?

We will answer all of these questions and more during this training programme which uses case studies alongside the latest guidance from EEF and DfE to help your school to maximise the impact of the Pupil Premium.

Further details and booking here:

Improving Behaviour and Attendance

Based around recently released guidance from EEF on improving behaviour in schools and on working with parents, this brand new course considers the evidence, looks at practical strategies for improving behaviour and attendance in schools, and considers how effective and consistent implementation can give our strategies the best chance of success.

Further details and booking here:

Putting Evidence to Work: Implementation for School Leaders

Some of the most successful schools are those that implement change in a rigorous and carefully planned way. This 3‑day programme will look at how to use evidence to identify school priorities; at careful planning using a logic model approach; at how we ensure that the delivery of our programme sticks with fidelity to our original plan; and on how we ensure that we sustain change to work towards long-term improvement.

This course is offered FREE of charge to all Blackpool headteachers through the support of the Opportunity Area; full details and booking here:

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