Research School Network: EEF Podcast: Evidence-Informed Leadership Assistant Director of Billesley Research School, Asima Iqbal, gives her perspective on evidence-informed leadership


EEF Podcast: Evidence-Informed Leadership

Assistant Director of Billesley Research School, Asima Iqbal, gives her perspective on evidence-informed leadership

by Billesley Research School
on the

In this instalment, hosts Alex Quigley and, EEF Senior Content Manager, Kirsten Mould, are joined by guests including experts from the school system, along with teachers and leaders, giving their perspective from the front line, as they discuss evidence informed leadership. Guests include:

Asima Iqbal, Vice Principal of Billesley Research School

Nick Brook, Deputy General Secretary at NAHT and Chair of the School Improvement Commission

Andy Samways, Director of Research School and Teaching School Hub, Unity Schools Partnership.

Listen to the podcast here.

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