Research School Network: Research in Practice – a practical case study Using research and evidence based teaching to create an Outstanding school


Research in Practice – a practical case study

Using research and evidence based teaching to create an Outstanding school

by Aspirer Research School
on the

On Thursday 6th February, Ash Grove will host delegates from a range of settings including primary schools, nurseries and local authorities. 

During the morning, we will be highlighting evidence informed practice. The programme will include a focus on parental engagement. Taking recommendations from the EEF Guidance Report on Parental Engagement, Ash Grove has developed a comprehensive strategy. The morning will start with a Cake and Calculation Session wherein parents will work with their children on a carousel of problems and reasoning challenges explicitly chosen to demonstrate how we use mathematical misconceptions as teaching points and how we have embedded progressively the use of manipulatives throughout school. (These recommendations are highlighted in the EEF Guidance Report to KS2 and KS3 Mathematics).

Following on from this, delegates will be given the opportunity to learn more about Ash Grove Academy’s Child Centred Tiered Approach incorporating recommendations from the EEF Guidance to Pupil Premium. Key personnel from our pastoral and safeguarding teams will outlined the extent of the targeted intervention programme that is in place to meet the needs of all of our learners including the most vulnerable and those with additional needs. This will include our approach to multi-agency working, safeguarding within the curriculum, parenting courses as well as SEND and CAMHS pathways. This session will also draw upon recommendations from the EEF Guidance Report for Behaviour and Social and Emotional Learning. The intention will be to draw attention to the extent of the targeted strategies, which ensure our children are able to achieve academically and meet their full potential. Parents, who have first-hand experience of our interventions, will be on hand during this session to talk to delegates about their involvement in this programme.

Taking into account recommendations from the EEF Guidance Report for Early Literacy and Preparing for Literacy, delegates will also have the opportunity to observe the following: Helicopter Stories in Nursery with three year olds; a session on how we assess using the Wellcomm Toolkit (EEF recommended assessment tool) and how we use Concept Cat (vocabulary intervention) in our Nursery setting; a behind the screen’ speech and language intervention led by our in-house Speech and Language Therapist; a behind the screen’ Reading Recovery session and an IPEELL lesson focussing on self-regulation, feedback and marking.

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