Research School Network: Research Breakfasts and Twilights What is it and who are they for?


Research Breakfasts and Twilights

What is it and who are they for?

by Aspirer Research School
on the

What is a Research Breakfast and who are they for?

Research Breakfasts are aimed at Head teachers and members of SLT who would like to know about the latest research study or EEF Guidance Report. During the breakfast, the key headlines of the guidance report or a research think piece will be shared and discussed in a relaxed and informal setting. We know that everyone is short of time which is why we will also provide a free breakfast for you during the session. You will leave the breakfast with an overview of the guidance report and your own complimentary copy to read further in your own time. Research Breakfasts will then be followed up by a twilight session a few weeks later.

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What is a Research Twilight and who are they for?

Research Twilights are available to anyone who is interested in that particular guidance report; it doesn’t just have to be subject leads. During the twilights, the key headlines of the guidance report will be shared in a relaxed and informal setting. There may also be some short activities to help exemplify some of the recommendations. Everyone will leave the twilights with more knowledge about the guidance report and their own complimentary copy.

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