Research School Network: Jo Ashcroft

Jo Ashcroft

I am currently the CEO and Executive Headteacher of the CLIC (Changing Lives In Collaboration) Trust; a trust of six primary academies across Greater Manchester.

I have worked in primary education for 20 years, teaching in every year group from Nursery to Year 6, working as an AST (Advanced Skills Teacher), being deputy headteacher of one primary school and then headteacher of two primary schools. I was the Director of Education for the Aspire Educational Trust (a Trust of 11 primary schools across three Local Authorities in the North West) and Co-Director of the Aspirer Research School for almost five years, prior to moving to CLIC. During my career, I have been lucky to work in four Local Authority areas.

My absolute passion is primary education and I am committed to securing the highest standards of teaching and curriculum and the very best possible outcomes for pupils.

My areas of Research School specialism are: evidence informed practice and engagement with education; effective implementation; making the difference for disadvantaged learners; metacognition; and long term learning (the cognitive science of learning).

Outside of work, my love is my family. I like nothing more than spending time with my husband and our two young children (an eight-year-old son and three-year-old daughter) and I enjoy spending time outdoors as much as possible (walks, bike rides and playing with my children).

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