Research School Network: Helen Wright

Helen Wright

I have been an early year’s primary teacher since 1992.

For most of my teaching career I have taught in EYFS and been a subject leader in Art and Design.

During my teaching years I have also been a SENCO and English subject leader. as well as a teacher moderator for the East Cheshire Early Years Team.

One of my proudest moments has been gaining the gold Artsmark award for my school in recognition of its arts curriculum, achievements and art partnerships.

I am passionate about visual art and ensuring that all children receive an exciting art education with many opportunities to explore the richness that visual art brings to our lives, as well as the belief that they might pursue a career in the arts.

I enjoy working with and supporting staff to deliver a rich art curriculum in my own school. I have also completed a number of large ceramic projects in a range of other schools in East Cheshire.

Running along parallel with my teaching has been my journey as a ceramic artist which has led me to complete projects for the NHS, CAMHs and to have my work in galleries in Leeds, Stafford, Cheshire and Wales.

The other big love in my life is my dog Hector the Bedlington terrier who often features in my art work along with other dog breeds.

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