Research School Network: Our aims

Our aims

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Our aims

The Research Schools Network has one central aim: to support schools to break the link between family income and education attainment through better use of evidence.

The Research Schools in our network do this by working with schools, colleges, and early years settings in their region to improve teaching and learning.

High quality teaching is one of the most powerful levers we have for improving outcomes for all children and young people, but particularly those from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Using research evidence can help to support effective practice. Research Schools help bridge the gap between research and practice.

Meet our Research Schools, and learn about their work on this page.

How we work

Research Schools provide support to schools, colleges, and early years settings to access, understand, and apply evidence, to improve quality of teaching and learning, especially for children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.


  • Research Schools host events and produce newsletters that encourage the use of evidence-based practices and programmes
  • Research Schools advocate for the use of systematic, robust research evidence within local education networks


  • Research Schools develop openly available resources that exemplify evidence-use in teaching and learning
  • Research Schools organise briefings for school leaders to better understand the evidence base in key topics


  • Research Schools provide direct support through bespoke partnerships with groups of schools, Local Authorities, Multi-Academy Trusts, and other organisations
  • Research Schools advise on the appropriate use of systematic, robust research evidence to support school improvement

Becoming a Research School will enable us to collectively bridge the gap between research and practice at classroom level, school level, cluster level and across the region. We are ambitious for what we can achieve together to impact on the lives and learning of pupils.

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