Research School Network: Developing Diverse Voices within the Research Schools Network

Developing Diverse Voices within the Research Schools Network

The Research Schools Network is intentional in promoting, developing and sustaining evidence advocates who represent a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives. Through this, we want to make sure that our mission – to improve educational attainment for children and young people from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds across the diverse communities we serve – is reflected in everything we do.

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Since renewing our focus on developing diverse voices, we have:

  • Sought external expertise to develop the scope and objectives of this work.
  • Set up a working group of colleagues from across the Research Schools Network to develop clear priorities.
  • Taken steps to understand the current diversity of voices within our network.
  • Worked closely with the network to develop guidance on how to reflect greater diversity within Research School teams and within Research School blogs, videos etc.

These developments are a positive start, but we recognise that there is more to do. We will continue to work collaboratively to create an increasingly diverse network of voices.

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